Saturday, January 26, 2013

Awesome Places to Troll: Welcome to the Town of Robloxia

My first real post on this blog is about Welcome to the Town of Robloxia (we'll just call it Robloxia for short from now on). It's probably the best place the troll because there are so many OD'ers and people who take roleplay so seriously. Well, let's see what will happen this time.

I usually now start off by wearing a very unflattering outfit. For me, it has resulted in very interesting (and often hilarious) outcomes.
In this picture, I am modelling my bold fashion statement. A bold Betty Boop dress, red shoes to match, heart-shaped shades, a gaudy pink necklace, and white evening gloves to top it all off. You like?

Now it's time to troll. I'm going to have to suffer through that 6 minute long waiting screen, though.
Well, that didn't take long at all! I typed out the classical OD'er call. "123 for bf." Someone said "123," and, well, you know the drill. So our cars met eventually (obviously this guy was new to roleplay) and he (I'm going to say he because I couldn't tell if that was a boy or a girl) said "ahhhhhh" and drove away. Pretty quickly, too! But I'm not satisfied with this. No, no, no. Let's try again on a different server.

"What's up pup?"
I've never had a trolling experience with a dog before! This oughta be good.
"Come in pretty sweeting."
Let's start off by being a little bit too friendly.
"I'm a dog not your wife."
After stroking him in a few different ways, I guess he decided I was too close for his comfort.
"911! Police! Help me!"
And, well, maybe he took this a bit far.
"Yay! In your face owner! You're on drugs!"
I finally let him out. It was sad to watch him go. Bye bye, lil' pup.

Well, that was pretty funny, right? No? Try for yourself! Here's the formula for creating a strange outfit similar to mine (there are different ways; this is my way):
  1. Hair. The hair is almost everything in this outfit. Choose a hairstyle a boy would probably wear.
  2. Dresses! Jalki makes very girly dresses. Look in her "pants" section to see a few.
  3. An ugly face on Roblox leads to ugly outcomes. I recommend "chill." It looks really, really creepy. If you have 3.0, maybe use the "Man" or "Woman" face that comes with the package (the "Man" especially).
  4. Accessorize. Experiment with some jewelry or evening gloves (as I did). Maybe add some bows in your hair?
  5. Mix it all together. You want (yes, want) people to be confused with your gender. That's part of what makes this troll fun!
If you follow this list, who knows? You might have a disastrous outcome (the worse the better in terms of trolling). Never stop trying! And never, ever reveal that you're just a troll. You must act like you are serious about all of this.

Anyways, thanks for reading. I worked somewhat hard on this. I'll write later today!

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